Homemade Steam Egg

Are you a lover of Egg?
If you are looking for healthy and nutrients meal, steam is one of the most healthier ways to maintain the value of nutrients as compared with another cooking way. It’s well maintained at least 80% of vitamins and mineral from the food.
Here are the various type of steam eggs. Occasionally, I will steam egg for Josie’s breakfast as well. An egg is a perfect food for kids. Eggs are an excellent source of iron and are a nutritious source of protein, fat, Vitamins A, D, E, and B12 and choline.
In order to make the steamed egg super smooth, few tips have to take note:
1. Water level is important. Cannot be less or more.
The ideal egg water ratio should be around 1:2 in volume. Too much egg will result in a hard curd, whereas too much water will make it impossible to turn the mixture into a solid form.
2. You need to remove any lumps and bubbles in the egg water mixture prior to steaming. If possible, use a sieve to filter when pouring the mixture into steaming bowl.
3. When it comes to steaming, please use a regular steamer if you have one; Use an ordinary pot that is wide enough to place your bowl. Sit the bowls directly in the boiling water. Make sure the water level is right: low enough not to splash into the egg bowl and high enough to complete 7-10 minutes steaming without drying out the pot.
Jmummy style was garnished the steamed eggs with prawns and vegetables like asparagus, carrot, etc as well as using the purely natural food powder to enhance the fragrance and add nutrients to the food. In this case, you need to steam the eggs as usual for 7 minutes, then place in the garnish and steam for a further 3 minutes.
This cooking way will help to steam egg smoother, as you were not mixed the garnish together and steam. The garnish is poured on TOP of steamed egg.
Enjoy mummy! Please share with me if you are making this.♥️♥️
Good day!